As I pondered what to do, a kind man approached and offered to jumpstart my car.
Soon the cables were hooked up to his truck and I turned my ignition.
Smoke, sparks, noise and nasty sounds erupted. People began running away from me (and my car). This included the kind gentleman.
It occured to me that it probably wasn't a good idea to sit in a car that was going to blow up. And so, I exited my car--- just in time to see one man race toward me against the fleeing mob. A man, who apparently was willing to give his life for my automobile.
As he reached the burning jumper cables, he pulled his jacket sleeve down over his hand for protection and knocked the fiery cables off my car, thereby breaking the connection between the two vehicles....and saving my car from incineration.
Such began my relationship with Stan and his lovely wife Emily, owners of Goshen Road Auto and Legal Chop Shop. :-)
It was a sunny June day (just this past summer) when I stepped out of my house and (horror of horrors) discovered that my battery was dead. Since there were no kind passerby whom I could ask for an improper jumpstart, I decided on the next best thing....I would call AAA.
Very soon, the AAA tow truck driver arrived in a flatbed truck. However, I had a few misgivings. The gentleman, who came to assist me, looked strangely like he had come from the Rescue Mission. (It was later observed that perhaps he was confused and thought he was working for AA).
Still, I calmed myself with the thought that he was a professional and that this was his area of expertise. At least it was a calming thought until I watched him rip a hole in the front bumper of my car.
He assured me that his company would pay for damages. He asked me where I wanted my car taken. There was no doubt.
"Take it to Stan at Goshen Road Auto."
A little while later, Stan called me to tell me the good news.....the car had arrived safely...it just hadn't been secured in its journey. Luckily, Indiana terrain is pretty flat so it makes it more difficult for cars which ride on flatbed trucks to roll off and kill people.
The next day, when I visited my Mazda at the Auto shop, I discovered I had a new problem. Stan informed me that I would need a lawyer for the car damage reimbursement from the AAA tow truck company. As I talked to Stan and several police officers, I began to suspect Stan was right:
- The owner of the tow shop was a lead member in the Outlaw Motorcycle gang and.......
- the owner had felony battery charges filed against him after beating up a gentleman outside a certain nameless establishment. The gentleman later had a heart attack.
- the owner was a possible suspect in his mother's murder.
- the owner did not pay certain bills for damages incurred on City property; payment was finally obtained when the City billed his insurance directly.
Apparently, I was attracting some very bad k(c)arma. I wondered how I might drive it off. "Maybe I should ask Stan," I thought. After all, he had figured out how to actually fix my car so I was certain that he knew something about k(c)arma.
It was later on at the Chop Shop, that Emily showed me some fantastic jewelry which she kept on hand in a display case. I surmised that perhaps some customers were more comfortable shopping for jewelry at their local auto mechanic than at the mall. (I think WalMart built a business like this). The jewelry itself was beautiful. However, I already knew that you could get good jewelry at the Chop Shop. After all, it was several months before, that I had taken home a lovely pendant-- originally used as the main fuse to protect the electrical system in my car from the off-hand encounter with crossed jumper cables.
Several months later it was time for my seasonal auto service check for winter. I sat with Stan and Emily and talked about my frustrations with the medical treatment that my father was receiving in the hospital. We laughed and we cried. And they gave me hugs. All while my car was being serviced. It was a bargain.
Stan pulled out several bottles of homeopathics and Bach's Flower Remedies. He also pulled out numerous nutitional protocols for various medical problems. Stan just so happened to have this helpful medical information tucked away in a drawer near the spare auto parts. I thought his medical advice was more sound than that of the physicians we had been consulting.
I guess it was inevitable. I am now considering switching to my mechanic for all of my health care needs.
It is now apparent that I can no longer keep Goshen Road Auto a secret. I must spread the word... for mental and physical health care needs and more, call on Goshen Road Auto and Legal Chop Shop. You can get your car serviced there too.
Tell them Sandy sent you.......
Cheers to Stan and Emily!!!
It was later on at the Chop Shop, that Emily showed me some fantastic jewelry which she kept on hand in a display case. I surmised that perhaps some customers were more comfortable shopping for jewelry at their local auto mechanic than at the mall. (I think WalMart built a business like this). The jewelry itself was beautiful. However, I already knew that you could get good jewelry at the Chop Shop. After all, it was several months before, that I had taken home a lovely pendant-- originally used as the main fuse to protect the electrical system in my car from the off-hand encounter with crossed jumper cables.
Several months later it was time for my seasonal auto service check for winter. I sat with Stan and Emily and talked about my frustrations with the medical treatment that my father was receiving in the hospital. We laughed and we cried. And they gave me hugs. All while my car was being serviced. It was a bargain.
Stan pulled out several bottles of homeopathics and Bach's Flower Remedies. He also pulled out numerous nutitional protocols for various medical problems. Stan just so happened to have this helpful medical information tucked away in a drawer near the spare auto parts. I thought his medical advice was more sound than that of the physicians we had been consulting.
I guess it was inevitable. I am now considering switching to my mechanic for all of my health care needs.
It is now apparent that I can no longer keep Goshen Road Auto a secret. I must spread the word... for mental and physical health care needs and more, call on Goshen Road Auto and Legal Chop Shop. You can get your car serviced there too.
Tell them Sandy sent you.......
Cheers to Stan and Emily!!!